SEZ TIT “Istok” took 5th place in the rating of investment attractiveness of SEZ of Russia
Conference “Industrial Russia 4.0: A New architecture of support measures»
SEZ TIT “Istok” took 5th place in the rating of investment attractiveness of SEZ of Russia
Conference “Industrial Russia 4.0: A New architecture of support measures»

Round table in the Federation Council

On December 7, 2020, a round table on the topic: “On the state and prospects of the development of science cities of the Russian Federation” was held in the Federation Council via videoconference.
The event was attended by Vadim Medvedev, Director of the Department for Innovation and Advanced Research of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for Economic Policy, Industry, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship Denis Kravchenko, Deputy Minister of Investment, Industry and Science of the Moscow Region Nikita Ivanov, representatives of the Union for the Development of Science Cities, heads of science cities and organizations of the research and production complex. The moderator of the round table was the Senator of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for Economic Policy Alexei Russkikh.
Within the framework of the conference, issues of socio-economic development, problems and positive experience of science cities, measures of state support were discussed. “The development of science cities should have a programmatic basis and serve to increase the active innovative activity in the territory” Vadim Medvedev said in his speech.
 Vadim Viktorovich also noted that according to the assessment of innovative development, as well as the totality of performance indicators of the scientific and industrial complex over the past 3 years, the science city of Fryazino is among the top three.
Following the meeting, recommendations will be prepared on the further development of the innovative potential of the science cities of the Russian Federation and measures to support them.
Link to the video of the Round Table


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