Anniversary of Y. V. Gulyaev
SEZ TIT “Istok” took 5th place in the rating of investment attractiveness of SEZ of Russia
Anniversary of Y. V. Gulyaev
SEZ TIT “Istok” took 5th place in the rating of investment attractiveness of SEZ of Russia

Research Institute “Platan” celebrated its 55th anniversary

October 7, 2020 marks the 55th anniversary of the “Platan” research Institute.
JSC “Platan” research Institute “with the plant at the research Institute” dates back to 1965. The Institute was founded on the basis of the Department 130 (electron-beam devices) of the research Institute -160, the first electro-Vacuum Institute formed in July 1943 (now JSC NPP “Istok” named after Shokin) with the purpose of developing new electron-beam devices. A pilot plant was established at the Institute. Vladimir Petrovich Kuklev became the first Director of the “Platan” research Institute.
The first color kinescope with a diagonal of 40 cm was developed at the “Platan” research Institute and in 1967 a trial batch of kinescopes was made. Research Institute “Platan” was appointed the head enterprise of the industry for the development and production of electron beam devices. In the future, the development of the Institute contributed to the development of many branches of the defense industry and agriculture of the country.
General Director Maria Chekadanova and employees of the SEZ “Istok” management company congratulate the management and staff of JSC Research Institute” Platan” with the anniversary, wish success, prosperity, new ideas, discoveries and achievements.


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