First anniversary of SEZ “Istok”
Supervisory Board of the SEZ “Istok”
First anniversary of SEZ “Istok”
Supervisory Board of the SEZ “Istok”

The premiere of the Ka-32A11M will take place at MAKS-2021

A prototype of the modernized Ka-32A11M fire-fighting helicopter will be presented for the first time by the Russian Helicopters Holding (part of the Rostec State Corporation) at the MAKS-2021 International Aviation and Space Salon.
The deep modernization of the helicopter made it possible to significantly expand the range of conditions for its use, as well as the efficiency of fire extinguishing operations. Due to the use of new ВК-2500ПС-02 engines of increased power in the power plant, flight characteristics have been improved in hot conditions, in high mountains, which allows using a helicopter with a maximum take-off weight at altitudes of more than 2 km. The engines also have improved resource characteristics. The new complex of avionics equipment expands the capabilities for piloting in difficult weather conditions, reduces the load on flight crews. Thanks to the adaptation to the use of night vision glasses, it became possible to operate the helicopter around the clock.
The new fire extinguishing system СП-32, developed by the National Helicopter Building Center named after M. L. Mil and N. I. Kamov and the Kumertau Aviation Production Enterprise, allows you to dump 4 tons of water on the fire source with the addition of up to 400 liters of foam agent. Water intake is carried out in automatic mode, water is discharged through a system of valves with digital control. The patented system of flaps allows you to discharge water from four tanks either in pairs or alternately, while the opening angles of the flaps are adjustable, which allows you to increase the time of water discharge. It is also possible to extinguish fires in high-rise buildings using a water cannon. For the first time in the world, the use of a fire-fighting helicopter is provided at temperatures up to -20 degrees due to the electric heating of the СП-32 systems.
The Russian Helicopters Holding company is ready to start delivering the upgraded Ka-32A11M in 2022. The production will be deployed at the Kumertau Aviation Production Enterprise. The Ka-32 family of helicopters is in high demand on the world market: they are operated in more than 30 countries around the world. In total, over 240 helicopters of this type were produced.
JSC “Russian Helicopters” is one of the world leaders in the helicopter industry, the only developer and manufacturer of helicopters in Russia, as well as one of the few companies in the world with the capabilities to design, manufacture, test and maintain modern civil and military helicopters. The Russian Helicopters Holding Company is part of the Rostec State Corporation.
The fifteenth International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2021 will be held in the city of Zhukovsky, Moscow region, from July 20 to 25, 2021. The event was organized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and the State Corporation for Promoting the Development, Production and Export of High-tech Industrial Products Rostec. The organizer of MAKS-2021 is JSC “Aviasalon”.

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