Interdepartment round table on the problems of scientific and technological development of Moscow and the Moscow Region
«MC SEZ «Istok» at the «Army-2019» Forum
Interdepartment round table on the problems of scientific and technological development of Moscow and the Moscow Region
«MC SEZ «Istok» at the «Army-2019» Forum

To Mordovia with a friendly visit

On May23-24, 2019 General Director of JSC “MC SEZ “Istok” Maria Chekadanova took part in the work of the Scientific and Technical Council of autonomous institution (AI)”Technopark – Mordovia”dedicated to the implementation of the Decree of the President of Russia V.V. Putin on May 7, 2018.  «The national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2024”.
The subject of discussion was the introduction of new technologies in particular fiber-optics into production. The production of fiber-optics is one of the priorities in AI “Technopark-Mordovia”.  
Specialists on biotechnologies were invited to the meeting, they spoke about the importance of development of this field of science, about the role of bacteriophages in medicine and biology.
During the visit Maria Chekadanova visited the laboratories of the Engineering Center of fiber-optics, the Center of experimental production and the Center of developing innovations. The guest was especially impressed by the process of manufacturing optical fiber  and laser microwelding.
Maria Chekadanova thanked the management and employees of AI “Technopark-Mordovia” for the warm welcome and expressed hope for participating in joint projects.


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